Saturday, December 19, 2009

Damn it! It's only food?

There's nothing like really having the time to savor the essence of what you are going to have for a meal. Yes, I am going to talk about food! It's one of those fixations that I don't want to change. So here I go...eating is a ritual-like experience for me. I think of it as a peace offering to my stomach!

Most recently, as in Thursday of this week, I had one such moment that is my pleasure to share with you! It was for breakfast, my favorite meal of the day. Believe me, when I miss it, it is not a good day for me or anyone else.

Imagine this...a large, cranberry-filled pumpkin muffin, dense and moist and smells like it was just baked! I hope you are sensing this with me. There's more...cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg infused delite with twinkling cranberries that ooze with sweet and tartness! I cheated and warmed it up in the oven, just a wee bit. OMG!!!! How do you say "hell yes!" After the first bite, I had to add room temperture butter to this tasty morsel. This really heightened the flavor.  How could I not? I want to thank Lucia's Deli & Bakery in the Uptown neighborhood for making this experience possible!

So yes, damn it, it's only food! But it can be so much more! Don't worry I also had two scrambled eggs, bacon, french roast coffee ( fresh beans just grounded by MOI ) with no cream or sugar to mess up the true essence of this great morning drink! Don't get me going on coffee. You know how people who enjoy special gourmet foods are referred to as "foodies?" Well...I am like that with my coffee.

Making a decision about what to eat is always a menacing decision for me! First, it needs to visually appeal to me and have a texture or consistency I want to feel on my tongue or even in my mouth. It essentually needs to smell good!

So often we make hasty decisions about what to have in our next meal. Our lives are busy with family, friends and whatever! I am not saying that every choice has to be triumphant...however, if we take the time to notice what we have on our plates before it sails into our iz JUST art!

Please write and tell me about your life iz JUSt art moments.

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