Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Being Present in Your Life is a Choice!

"I imagine this almost everyday."

As I work towards "being more present" in my life, I have noticed an increased quality and enjoyment! Why am I so surprised? I suppose it's really a discovery of sorts. However, it makes sense. If one breezes through each day with rote and systematic responses; how would a person's life have an opportunity to change or improve? How would one even notice?

I believe the key is taking "risks" and being "creative" with the way we approach and handle these activities each day. My choosing to go in a different direction was deliberate. My life wasn't working the other way. I realize that my current "autonomous" state of being will also change in the near future. In fact, it is an expectation.  

Currently, I've been blessed with an opportunity to complete my Masters degree while unencumbered by undesirable full-time work. My blessings also include taking on various volunteer work experiences in venues where I feel very committed to do the work and reinvent myself. Last, but most important, I am acting on my creative passions (art,writing, reading,travel and people). At times it's like playing Russian Roulette. Sometimes you win or lose. But I have to take those chances to move forward.

I am taking some risks. Is there some fear around this? Sure. But I am moving ahead and finding contentment along the way.

As a result of being more present in my life, I now realize the power of "choice." I can choose to walk a different path for my daily exercize. I can choose to behave differently. I can choose to practice my art through more than one medium. Each day, I can choose to do at least one thing that will bring me the greatest joy. How great is that! This really does work.

For much of my life, I've allowed circumstances to dictate how I will feel and live. This is still a work in progress for me. But now I know because of being present in today. Not yesterday or tomorrow.

My excitement is building for that new chapter in my life. I am not certain yet, what the future holds for me. But whatever it is, I will choose to live my life using all the "creative prescriptions" available to me.

"We only get to do this life once. Life is just art!"



Thursday, June 10, 2010

life iz JUST art : What is possible...

...for my part, I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream...Vincent


"I read and pondered on this quote today."  It occurred to me that all too often, I have struggled with the need to know something for sure before I take a leap at an idea. For me, it's the personal battle of overcoming the need to control.

My grip has lessened and I am beginning to act on my dreams! I am still a work in progress...but now everything I do is with intention and purpose. I can see the pockets of opportunity in my life now, that remain unfilled.

 It has been more years than I'd like to admit out loud, since I've painted a canvas. I wore the scar of  fear after having left my art practice for so long. This fear immobilized and stopped me from coming back to the canvas. "Yesterday, I kicked fears ass!"

"I was so happy with the results from my efforts; it felt damn good!"

What I know for "certain," is that my unique, creative talents still live in me! So, when I look at the stars each night...I will continue to dream!

After all of this, I know life iz JUST art!



Sunday, January 24, 2010

life iz JUST art! : Choice for an Artful life



It was my greatest pleasure and delight to discover another writer who agrees with my precept of life iz JUST art!  One of my favorite authors, Maya Angelou's beautifully written book, Wouldn't Take Nothing for my Journey Now is another testimony to my belief. If you have an opportunity to read this book, you will want to reference page (66). 

 Maya says this," Life is pure adventure, and the sooner we realize that, the quicker we will be able to treat life as art; to bring our energies to each encounter, to remain flexible enough to notice and admit when what we expected to happen did not happen. We need to remember that we are created creative and can invent new scenarios as frequently as they are needed."

 In the immediate moment following my reading of occured to me that it all is just that simple. "I really can choose to live an artful life and so can everyone else!"

One of the most recent choices I've made to live a more artful life includes an opportunity to lead tours as a Collection in Focus Art Guide for the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. I am already passionate about arts in general, however this is another way to express my love and interest in giving back to others who can benefit from my training.


That is exactly what I plan to do right about now!

life iz JUST art!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Hey...this is the only way I want to be in 2010!
Enjoying life, sharing with iz JUST art!


This is the Horn of Africa, Somalia

I have traveled to many parts of the world (Italy,France, Mexico,Caribbean,Greece) but never have I seen the continent of Africa. It is a deep longing that I've had for most of my mind takes me there very often. Here are some of the beautiful scenes in life that we American's are missing:


I feel so very humbled by these breath-taking depictions! It reminds me that God is in the universe, details and without his spirit, there would be nothing like this! It is my intention to witness this place in the very near future...not sure when! But I've now planted the seeds in my mind.
While we have many beautiful places to see and visit in America, there is a whole other world outside of our existence. I believe that in order to become a whole person, one must experience and understand other places and cultures. I have always embraced this notion and will continue to do so in my life's work.

This is a West African Vegetarian dish...I want to taste this, don't you? It looks so good!


This African woman seems to be dancing for joy! I want to feel that...don't you?
Let's make this new decade, the beginning of a promise to ourselves. "Just living life to the fullest and being aware that life iz JUST art!"  What do you think?

Monday, December 28, 2009

life iz JUST art !

Happy Holidays, Peace, Love! I have really enjoyed this time thus blessings have been many! Including a very vivid imagination, as I dream of being somewhere that includes the architectual feature above!

It is winter in Minneapolis and very frigid mind you! So my mind often takes me far away to another place or time where it is warm, abundant gardens scream out with vibrant colors and beautiful architectural points of interests bring me joy.

Enjoy the rest of this holiday season...I would love to know what brings you joy! Afterall,life iz JUST art!


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Damn it! It's only food?

There's nothing like really having the time to savor the essence of what you are going to have for a meal. Yes, I am going to talk about food! It's one of those fixations that I don't want to change. So here I go...eating is a ritual-like experience for me. I think of it as a peace offering to my stomach!

Most recently, as in Thursday of this week, I had one such moment that is my pleasure to share with you! It was for breakfast, my favorite meal of the day. Believe me, when I miss it, it is not a good day for me or anyone else.

Imagine this...a large, cranberry-filled pumpkin muffin, dense and moist and smells like it was just baked! I hope you are sensing this with me. There's more...cinnamon, cardamom and nutmeg infused delite with twinkling cranberries that ooze with sweet and tartness! I cheated and warmed it up in the oven, just a wee bit. OMG!!!! How do you say "hell yes!" After the first bite, I had to add room temperture butter to this tasty morsel. This really heightened the flavor.  How could I not? I want to thank Lucia's Deli & Bakery in the Uptown neighborhood for making this experience possible!

So yes, damn it, it's only food! But it can be so much more! Don't worry I also had two scrambled eggs, bacon, french roast coffee ( fresh beans just grounded by MOI ) with no cream or sugar to mess up the true essence of this great morning drink! Don't get me going on coffee. You know how people who enjoy special gourmet foods are referred to as "foodies?" Well...I am like that with my coffee.

Making a decision about what to eat is always a menacing decision for me! First, it needs to visually appeal to me and have a texture or consistency I want to feel on my tongue or even in my mouth. It essentually needs to smell good!

So often we make hasty decisions about what to have in our next meal. Our lives are busy with family, friends and whatever! I am not saying that every choice has to be triumphant...however, if we take the time to notice what we have on our plates before it sails into our iz JUST art!

Please write and tell me about your life iz JUSt art moments.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

life iz JUST art!

No matter where I go, art seems to make itself known. Most people can only think of art as in paintings, sculpture or theatre. These are the most obvious examples. In life iz JUST Art, each week I will share my experiences as it relates to my journey and the creative quest to find it. Come on board with me for the ride! I am always looking for the connections!

How one goes about their daily life is what presents the notion of art into their milieu. It’s what you choose to eat and where you dine. Try traveling a different route to work each day. You would be amazed at how different your day unravels. All and any choice we make from day to day becomes part of this creative experience.

Late last night, I decided to put my Comcast movies on the demand feature to the test. I have wanted to watch Julie and Julia and kept missing the opportunity. As usual, Meryl Streep’s performance as the late Julia Child did not disappoint! Her transition into this role was seamless! I fell in love with the way Streep translated Child’s passion for French cooking. Child was a foodie in the 1960’s before the culinary world started to coin the phrase! She loved butter and never felt you could have too much of it. This equates to the way I feel about having art in my life.

As the plot developed, I found myself daring the character of Julie (Amy Adams), to get through all 524 of those French cooking recipes from Julia Child’s book. I wanted her to win! Julie vowed to do this in 365 days (I won’t give away the ending, in case you have not seen the movie yet). This was her chance to have joie de vivre or what I see as life iz JUST art. In the movie, she refers to herself as a “renegade foodie.”

During business hours she is a young woman that parks herself five days a week, into a morose government job, decked out wearing headsets sans computer in a cubicle. “I am exhausted from writing that description!” She was drowning. Julia decides to take on the challenge to save her life in the evenings after ho-hum. This used to be me, minus the government part! If you are reading my blog, this is a movie that shouldn’t be missed!

I have spent most of my adult life working jobs or having relationships that were not really authentic for me. Why? Because sometimes it was just the right thing to do or I was busy trying to please somebody else so that they could be happy. Somewhere in the midst of all this dysfunction, I was no longer seeing the “art” in my life. The connection was lost. I have been numb.

I am awake now! Somehow, it took all of what I have not wanted to do, to arrive at this awareness. Today, I took the bus to downtown Minneapolis. Normally, I drive out of convenience. However, it is this notion of convenience that can make us lazy to having experiences that are different and revealing.

It took all of ten minutes once on the bus to reach my destination. I witnessed so many stories. For example, the mother laden with her heavy bundle of groceries, who lifted her toddler onto the bus, out of the cold (it was almost below zero), while she stood in the moving bus to find change for the fare. The small child stumbled to maintain balance and grabbed her mother’s coat tail as the bus pulled away from the curb. Her tiny marshmellow face looked up at her mother for guidance. It was this touching moment that revealed the love and trust between parent (the protector) and child. This is raw emotion that relates itself as art. I was in the audience with a front row seat to this as it played out.

There was also the meager looking elderly man with his carry-on cart, full of plastic wrapped clothing. He appeared to be homeless. His unshaven face was tight and reddened from the frosty weather. The man hunched over his load and seemed anxious to guard it. In a few stops, he departed and that was it! This was a scene that unfolds a story of living in a day, a moment in time.

I would love hearing about your experiences. What iz JUST art for you?
